The History of the Motion Picture

The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies was a device called the "wheel of life" or "zoopraxiscope". Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln, moving drawings or photographs were watched through a slit in the zoopraxiscope. However, this was a far cry from motion pictures as we know them today. Modern motion picture making began with the invention of the motion picture camera.

The Frenchman Louis Lumiere is often credited as inventing the first motion picture camera in 1895. But in truth, several others had made similar inventions around the same time as Lumiere. What Lumiere invented was a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe, three functions covered in one invention.

The Cinematographe made motion pictures very popular, and it could be better be said that Lumiere's invention began the motion picture era. In 1895, Lumiere and his brother were the first to present projected, moving, photographic, pictures to a paying audience of more that one person.

The Lumiere brothers were not the first to project film. In 1891, the Edison company successfully demonstrated the Kinetoscope, which enabled one person at a time to view moving pictures. Later in 1896, Edison showed his improved Vitascope projector and it was the first commercially, successful, projector in the U.S..

"The cinema is an invention without a future" - Louis Lumière

General History of Cinema - Motion Pictures
- The Inventors in Cinema
General essay on cinema inventors. Also see Early Cinema
- History of Cinematography from 500 BC!
From 1800 to 1850 covers early photography and from 1850 to 1900 early attempts at "moving photography"
- Film History by Decade
Chronology of film's history, both the technology and the artistry.
- Animated Gif: Shadow the Magnificent
This film estimated to be from 1896 or 1897 is one of the earliest projected films.
- Motion Picture Loudspeakers

Motion Picture Innovators

Eadweard Muybridge
San Francisco photographer, Eadweard Muybridge conducted motion-sequence still photographic experiments and is called the "Father of the motion picture" even though he did not make films in the manner we know them as today.

Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison's interest in motion pictures began before 1888, however, the visit of Eadweard Muybridge to the inventor's laboratory in West Orange in February of that year certainly stimulated Edison's resolve to invent a motion picture camera.
History of Edison Motion Pictures
Origins of motion pictures, the Kinetoscope, and Edison Motion Pictures.

Lumiere Brothers
- The Lumiere Brothers
Inventors of the cinematographic process.

History of Film Stock
- One Hundred Years of Film Sizes
Whereas film equipment has undergone drastic changes in the course, 35 mm has remained the universally accepted film size. We owe the format to a great extent to Edison (see photo) - in fact 35 mm was once called the Edison size.
- Chronology of Eastman Kodak Motion Picture Film
In 1889, the first commercial transparent roll film, perfected by Eastman and his research chemist, was put on the market. The availability of this flexible film made possible the development of Thomas Edison's motion picture camera in 1891.
- Ancient photo & film
In 1904, the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiere patented the fist commercially successful color photography process - simple good essay, nicely illustrated.
- History of sub-35 mm Film Formats
Edison and Lumiere brothers discussed, lots of illustrations, easy to understand essay.

History of the Motion Picture Cameras

- Film Colorization
Invented by Canadians Wilson Markle and Brian Hunt in 1983.

Mickey Mouse's official birthday is November 18, 1928 when he made his first film debut in Steamboat Willie. This was the first Mickey Mouse cartoon released. However, the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon ever made was Plane Crazy in 1928, it was the third cartoon released. Walt Disney invented Mickey Mouse and the multi-plane camera.

- The Drive-In (ventor)
Richard M. Hollingshead patented and opened the first drive-in theater.
- The IMax Movie System
The IMAX system has its roots in EXPO '67 in Montreal, Canada, where multi-screen films were the hit of the fair. A small group of Canadian filmmakers/entrepreneurs (Graeme Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr), who had made some of those popular films, decided to design a new system using a single, powerful projector, rather than the cumbersome multiple projectors used at that time.


Cross gained access to information for his book mainly from Courtney Love, through email's and supposedly "researched" information over the years for this. As you will see, it seems he has done nothing of the sort and has taken every word of Courtney's as gospel and just prints it.

Everything I will be discussing here has been well known as fact from Tom Grant's site, Frances Barnett's site and numerous interviews from other books. Here is some of what I've found wrong with Cross' research.

Seattle, Washington March 1994
Like Hamlet, I have to choose between life and death.-- From the Rome suicide note. "When Kurt sat down to compose his suicide note in the Excelsior Hotel, he thought of Shakespeare and the Prince of Denmark."

First of all, the heading to this chapter Cross refers to the Rome note as being a 'suicide note', in which we know was NOT, even from Courtney herself, has nothing to do with suicide at all. It was just an unflattering letter to her and talks about divorce. Cross is also stating that this was a direct quote from Kurt, when in fact it's what Courtney told Spin magazine Kurt wrote which she was told from Sgt. Cameron to 'get rid of ' and subsequently burns.

Courtney Love on the Rome note:
"It was on hotel stationary, and he's talking about how I'm not in love with him anymore...and he knows how much I love him...and that like Hamlet, he had to choose between life and death, and he said he was choosing death." (Spin Magazine Feb 1995)

"When he returned the note from Rome to her, Courtney claims Sgt. Cameron told her; "This will never do you any good. I'd get rid of it if I were you." So.......she burned it! (Tom Grant's Murder Investigation Manual)

"Love gave us another note which she said Kurt had written in Rome. She said it was a suicide note, but it wasn't. It was a rambling letter which was very unflattering to her. There are some veiled references which you'd have to stretch to conclude referred to suicide." (Unnamed police officer of the Seattle Police, WKKC?, page 123)

(About Rome) "Upon discovering Kurt's lifeless body, Courtney called the front desk and Kurt was rushed to Umberto I Polyclinic Hospital. Love had retrieved two empty blister packs of Rohypnol next to Kurt--- he had taken 60 of the aspirin-size pills, individually removing each from a plastic-and-foil-container."

Here we know this is not true. There is no evidence that Kurt swallowed '50' pills. Dr. Galetta, whom examined Kurt while in Rome with the coma says it was not a "suicide attempt" and refutes Courtney's claim that Kurt swallowed them and they did not pump fifty pills from his stomach. There may have been 50 unwrapped foil packets, or 50 empty foil blisters from a pack found in the hotel room, but that doesn't mean Kurt unwrapped or emptied them. It only means someone unwrapped and emptied the foil packets and wanted this incident to look like a suicide attempt. Kurt survived. Dr. Galletta who was responsible for Kurt's treatment, also issued the following statement:

"We can usually tell a suicide attempt. This didn't look like one to me. He mixed tranquilizers and alcohol and when you do that, you're playing with fire." (WKKC? page 89)

"Cobain doesn't know what happened to him. He hasn't gained complete control of his memory. When he emerged from the coma, he was very hungry and asked for a strawberry milkshake!" (Melody Maker March 12th 1994)

"I'm still pretty freaked over the Rome thing, and need some time to rest and get over it. You'd think they could make a good milkshake, but no." (Never Fade Away, 1994. Dave Thompson mentioned an internet posting by Kurt.)

(After Rome) "He was so fucked up.' Dylan noticed a shift as well: 'He didn't seem as alive. Before, he had more to him; after, he seemed monochromatic."

This we also know is an untrue statement made about Dylan. Even though Kurt couldn't regain memory from the coma in Rome, his best friend Dylan and many other people who knew Kurt at this time maintained he was very stable and happy.

Dylan on Kurt March 30th when they bought the gun:
"He seemed normal...we'd been talking." (Cobain by the Editors of Rolling Stone, page 83)

"No way. A year earlier I would have believed it because of the pain but he wasn't talking like that anymore. He was making all kinds of plans for when he got back from rehab." (Dylan Carlson, WKKC?, page 91)

Dylan telling Grant about Kurt's suicidal tendencies and the Rome suicide attempt:
"No. Kurt said it was an accident." "No, not at all. He's under a lot of pressure. but he's handling things pretty good." (Tom Grant's Murder Investigation Manual)

"Kurt was facing lots of pretty heavy things but he was actually pretty upbeat. He was prepared to deal with things facing him." (Dylan Carlson, Seattle Post Intelligencer, April 15 1994)

"When he talked to me he seemed to be happy." (Iris Cobain talking about a phone conversation 2 weeks before Kurt died, he arranged to go fishing with his grandfather the following week WKKC?, page 91).

"Black tar heroin frequently caused abscesses from the impurities used to cut it. By March, Kurt's arms had scabs and abscesses, which themselves were a potential health danger."

These are pictures of Kurt wearing a short sleeved shirt in Munich, Germany at Terminal Einz on March 1st, 1994. How much more clear do we have to be here?

CHAPTER 24 - ANGEL'S HAIR - PAGES 332 to 335
"Cali passed out Saturday morning from cocaine....As his drug problems had increased and his nanny duties had been curtailed, Cali had become the Kato Kaelin of the Cobain household. 'By that point, Cali wasn't in charge of anything,' Jessica observed,' other than helping get drugs or making sure Kurt didn't die'. That morning Kurt walked into Cali's room and sat on the end of the bed. Jessica woke, but not Cali......Cali momentarily woke up and, seeing Kurt, told him to call Courtney. As Cali fell back asleep, Jessica and Kurt sat silently for a few minutes, watching MTV...."

Here we have in perfect detail that Kurt came into Cali's room, with MTV playing on the television and Cali waking up and telling him to call Courtney. Remember that MTV was on the television set in Cali's room. Cross will also make a mistake here.

(Saturday April 2nd) "Still fried from drugs, Cali thought Kurt's bedside visit was simply a dream. Cali and Jessica were fighting about his drug use, and in a fit of rage he suggested she take an early flight home. He tried to use the $100,000- limit MasterCard Kurt had given him to buy her an airline ticket but the charge was denied. He called Courtney to complain and she told him she'd cancelled Kurt's cards, thinking this would help determine his whereabouts."

Cali saying he believed Kurt coming into the room was simply a dream is ridiculous! If so, how could he have obtained the credit card that Kurt left for him, if it was only a 'dream'? Cali is obviously lying and/or Cross is definitely misleading here, not to mention if Courtney gave him this information, Cross did nothing to research this! The fact is, Cali tells the police that Kurt had come into the room on this morning. As for the 'missing credit card', if this story is true, we now know that Cali had possession of this card and that he was at the Lake Washington house trying to use it!

"That Sunday (3rd), Courtney phoned private investigators in the Los Angeles yellow pages until she found one working on a weekend. Tom Grant and his assistant Ben Klugman visited her at the Peninsula that afternoon...Early Monday (the 4th), Cali and Jessica were in the middle of yet another argument when the phone rang, and Cali barked, 'don't answer it. It's just Courtney and we don't know anything about Kurt.' Jessica asked Cali if he'd talked to Kurt since they saw him. 'What do you mean, since I saw him?' Cali inquired, his eyes widening. Jessica recited the events from Sunday. Cali finally told Courtney Kurt had in fact been at the house on Sunday."

Here again, we have Cali denying that Kurt came into his room on Saturday morning. We also have Cali and Courtney in contact with each other since Saturday the 2nd! She knew Kurt was at the house on Sunday, so why didn't she ever tell Grant this, or to have surveillance watch at the Lake Washington home? Grant maintains Kurt was killed late Sunday evening, April 3rd or in the early morning hours of Monday April 4th. What is Courtney and Cali trying to hide?

"On Tuesday afternoon, Courtney sent Hole's Eric Erlandson to the Lake Washington home to look for Kurt. 'He bursts in the house, like this big lightning bolt, and he was furious at Cali,' Jessica remembered. 'You guys have to help me look,' he ordered. Erlandson told them to search every nook and cranny, because Kurt had stashed a shotgun. He specifically insisted they look in a secret compartment in the back of the master bedroom closet, which Courtney had told him Kurt used. They found the compartment but no guns. They also searched the mattress for a hole Kurt had cut in it to store drugs--- it was empty. No one thought to search the garage or greenhouse, and Erlandson rushed off, headed to the Carnation home."

All we know of that has been mentioned is that Eric was in Seattle meeting up with Courtney, Kat Bjelland and Grant on April 14th to go out to the Carnation property. (Grant arrives in Seattle on the 13th --Grant manual "Trip to Carnation").... There is no other mention of Erlandson being anywhere near the Lake Washington home, let alone Seattle, on the 5th as Cross and Courtney would like us to believe. I've read a few books, but do not see this mentioned anywhere, and to me, this is Courtney making a new story to confuse people and that Cross did not research anything like he claims to have. This is just to prove Courtney likes to spin tales of her own for whatever reasons and people just seem to take her word for it.

(Tom Grant and Dylan Carlson searching the house on the Thursday, April 7th) "At 2:15am Thursday they searched the Lake Washington house, entering through a kitchen window....They went from room to room and found the bed unmade in the master bedroom, but cold to the touch. MTV was on the television with the sound off. Not seeing any sign of Kurt, they left at 3am, without searching the grounds or garage."

Here is where Cross makes another mistake! He says that Grant and Dylan find the bed unmade and MTV on in the 'master bedroom' ( in which is Kurt and Courtney's room) when IN FACT it was Cali's room clearly stated on page 332!

"Upon returning to the Lake Washington house, we gained access through a kitchen window. While we were searching the house, Dylan commented, 'I've never seen the house this clean before.' A television was on in one of the bedrooms upstairs and the bed was unmade. Dylan told me this was Cali's room." (Tom Grant's Murder Investigation Manual)

Along with all of the above, Cross never mentions the stories throughout the years on the murder theories, that there was any other book related to the case, nothing said about the differences in handwriting on the "suicide" note and that the 1.52 mgs of heroin found in Kurt's blood at the time of death was "an amazing feat".

His portrayal of Kurt's final moments in the greenhouse (Chapter 23, pages 339 to 342) were totally concocted. There is no way he could have known what exactly had happened. It also made you feel that if you believed in anything other than suicide, you're just crazy.


Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please


Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven